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Hotel Hynek Náchod - ubytování, restaurace

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Nachod and Castle Nachod
Take a walk through Náchod. Visit the former gothic-style stronghold based in the 13th century. Until the 18th century it went through many conversions, mainly renaissance- and baroque-style and finaly it was rebuilt to a castle. Among the most interesting expositions are considered the historical interieurs from the Piccolomini-era together with a collection of Bruselles tapestry. You can also visit a gallery, a dungeon, gothic-style basements, the French garden or climb up the castle tower, from which you get a wonderfull wiev. Don´t forget to visit our bears, which have settled down in the castle moat. During your walk along Náchod place you can also visti a new museum, gothic-style church and a beautifull renaissance theater Beránek. www.zamek-nachod.cz

Castle Novém Městě nad Metují - 10km
It was settled in 1501 by Jan Černčický of Kacov. Each new owner of the masterdom Nové Město has contributed to the development of the city – the Stubenberks, Trčkas, Leslis etc. The castle was rebuilt in the 17th century to a barkoque-style castle. Genuine interiors in secession- and art deco-style or functionalism are to be seen here.
Many Czech artist have helped with the decoration of the castle – e.g. Pavel Janák, prof. František Kysela, Marie Tinitzerová, Helena Johnová etc. www.zameknm.cz

Ratibořice a babiččino údolí - 15km
The first written mention of the mansion in Ratibořice comes form 1388. As its owner was stated Knikgt Vaněk from Žampach, who was also called as „from Ratibořice“. Since 1464 belonged Ratibořice to the mansion of Rýzmburk. The fortress in Ratibořice wasn´t tenanted, started to decay and ceased to exist by the end of the 16th century. In 1582 was Ratibořice togehter with Rýzmburk bought by the dynasty of Smiřický from Smiřice and both mansions were joined to the Náchod domain. www.zamekratiborice.cz

Castle Opočno - 20km Zámek Opočno
The grounds of Castle Opočno create a unique collection of historical monuments which shows the way of life, taste and way of thinking of the czech society during 5 centuries. Because of its both historical and art value it was pronounced a national cultural memory. www.zamek-opocno.cz

Fort Dobrošov - 6km
This artillery stronghold is a part of the boarder fortification systém from the years 1936 – 1938. During a visit you can see the fortress itself together with its underground tunnels. In the premises there is a permanent exhibition of miniatures called „The Czechoslovak army of the first republic“ from the collector Lubor Šušlík.
Nereby there also is a nature trail dedicated to fortress issues the late thirties. On its way you can visit also further fortresses and a permanent museum Kahan III.

Teplicko- adršpašské rocks - 30km
Theese gritstone cities are without questions one of the most beautiful places in the Czech Republic. If you visit this wonderfull piece of Náchod district, there are huge rock labyrinths, deep defiles as well as beautifull views from hills and rocks waiting for you.

ZOO Dvůr Králové n/Labem - 30km
Zoo Dvůr Králové
Afrika on your own eyes – this ZOO i sone of the best known ZOOS in the Czech Republic. More than 2500 animals found their homes here. You can wonder the biggest african animals collection in Europe. Also don´t forget to visit the local SAFARI – local safaribuses will lead you through african wildlife with free running zebras, gnus or antilopes. www.zoo-dvur-kralove.cz

Mountains (Krkonoše, Orlické hory) - 25-60kmKrkonoše
You can sweeten your holiday by a trip do the near Eagle- or Giant Mountains. Lots of tourist ways and paths or ski slopes in the winter are waiting for you to come.

Poland - 5-12km
Kudowa Zdroj
A neighbour town of Náchod in Poland is the spa town Kudowa Zdroj. This spa belongs to the oldest and nicest in the area of Polské Kladsko. You can visit an aqua-park here or just take a walk along the spa colonnade and enjoy a coffee in local cafés. This spa is situated in the area of the national park Stolové mountains, which are popular by tourist of all the world. Stolové mountains and Bledné rocks are unique places which have been created by effect of water and wind.

Further interesting places near Kudowa Zdroj

Dino park – life-size dinosaurs in Karlowie www.park-dinozaury.pl Dinopark
Japaneese garden in Jarkowie http://ogrod-japonski.republika.pl

  • Rope-climbing park in Kudowa Zdroj
  • Stolové mountains
  • Bledné rocks - www.skalnimesta.cz
  • Handcraftsmuseum
  • Toymuseum
  • You can make a shopping brake at the famous Polish markets

You can find many more triptips at www.kladskepomezi.cz